Maria Morabito is a visual artist born and raised in Italy. She explores the complexity of interconnections in our lives to gain a unique way of seeing and experiencing the world. Her artistic practice primarily focuses on painting and sculpture to investigate the complexity of interconnections in our lives and the impact that creativity and imagination have on the world, offering viewers a distinctive way of experiencing the world. Morabito’s artworks are abstract compositions of geometric and organic forms woven together through perception, imagination, memories, and associations. Her approach to abstraction transcends cultural and national boundaries, reflecting her unique perspective as an immigrant artist. Her labor-intensive process relies on trial-and-error and problem-solving skills, Interestingly, this approach is deeply connected to her background in neuroscience, a profession she has pursued alongside her artistic career. Morabito has participated in numerous exhibitions curated by prominent figures in the art world: Robert Storr (Honorable Mention), Barbara O'Brien, William Bailey, and Nancy Graves. Her work has been exhibited at The Hammond Museum, Denis Bibro Fine Arts in New York, and Bridgette Mayer Gallery in Philadelphia. Her artworks are held in various corporate and private collections across the United States and Europe. Morabito currently lives and works in New York City.